Files public-room-california-deer-hunting-zones-map.pdf (PDF / 253 KB) A color-coded ownership map of California also displays deer hunting zones and is overlaid with the grid of BLM Surface Management maps in order to show which maps a zone falls in. Find BLM maps, Forest Service maps, and recreation maps for California Deer Hunt Zone X6A D3 through D6 offer good hunting and access. LOS BANOS REFUGE MAP . This is my very first mulie killed on an un-named public land ridge in x3a that I found while scouring a topo map 100 miles away from my zone … Deer Hunt CA Wilderness Areas . The best deer hunting is in Northern California’s C4 zones where the highly populated Eastern Tehama deer herd lives. California | Deer Zone - X6A - $38.00 You can buy this map as-is, or you can customize it below. SAN BENITO MAP . Statewide Turkey Map. As far as I know, the only DSKM available is from the North Central District of the DFG. WESTERN BIG GAME MAP. QUAIL CALIFORNIA MAP . Pressure will be light and concentrated in the 4-5 'hotspots' in the zone which you should avoid. SPRING TURKEY MAP . This covers a portion of the A zone, B3, C4, D3-5, X6a & b, X7a & b, and X8. 2019 X Zone's X6A-X6B-X5B-X5A-M3-M4-M5-M8. A deer spot kill map is just that, a map that shows the spot where a deer has been killed by a hunter. California Deer Hunting Zone D13 Map – Huntdata Llc – Avenza Maps – Map Of Hunting Zones In California Map Of Hunting Zones In California A map can be a visible reflection of your whole place or an integral part of a location, usually depicted on the smooth work surface. Hours and hours of scouting, miles on the truck and day's spent in the field gives you the best opportunity of success. The trust you put in us is very important to me. Bird and … Your headquarters for hunting maps and data in California's Unit X6a. Let us help you be more successful on your next hunting adventure. It's just as important as your hunt being successful. Good luck, and don't forget google earth! California Deer Zones Info. Top 10 Zone A Deer Hunt Areas . HIGH SIERRA DEER MAPS . You must use your First-Deer Tag Drawing Application to apply for a premium deer hunt tag. Move the mouse over the map to see it in greater detail. KERN REFUGE MAP . Both X zones are toward the eastern end of Plumas County and on into Lassen County. Hunters must draw for a limited number of tags in the highly-prized X zones. Applications for premium deer hunt tags awarded through the Big Game Drawing must be submitted to any CDFW license sales office, license agent, online or telephone sales before midnight on June 2, 2018. Deer Zones… Buy BLM and Forest Service Maps for western public lands. Premium Deer Zones and Hunts California Hunting. The deer hunting spreads throughout the county in three main zones: D3, X6a-b and C4. Statewide Pig Map. Deer numbers are in good shape, particularly in D3, Central California‘s D zones get a lot of pressure and success in the Sierras largely depends upon the weather. PHEASANT CALIFORNIA MAP. 2017 Big Game Map .