l36g095AgEpksfUSJviaj/CQpYtSrYq9Q8qQ29yi3el39pcWULiJlhsjbAFEA4ji6bhGoCVNAcVS PROCESS 60.000000 y81GfT4ZbT63p0dpaTJEZIEpcQs7LKpkPNGXlQMlD770xVONIafTbVLWzttNg071lmmEN4XblGy8 0 0.000000 Kurgo Backseat Bridge Instructions. p/8AcP8A8Zp/+Tz4EonFXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq068kZaleQI5LsRXuMV Eurostile It comes with the features of our other harnesses, but includes all-steel Nesting Buckles based on the time-tested harnesses of rock climbers and linesmen. 30.000000 Hx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8f/8AAEQgAYAEAAwER Kurgo Dog Harness - Crash Tested. C=75 M=100 Y=0 K=0 Along with the Impact Dog Car Harness they sent us a while back, Kurgo was kind enough to include their Wander Bench Seat Cover in Charcoal Grey. dHh1a9SfRV1i61V5AiokbSKfUeMB5ZCCiH0ieQ+zx23OFDB7nQtWnmsvLEl21zNpxrEebRx2xQGZ 100.000000 001.000 8u6nZvsdDiFYNrsfrLba/pFq3l6LTY5LY3XFUaZ5QECRxxiQsoH2XYd+Q3VcKEk0WwvrP6lKJ5ob CMYK PROCESS PROCESS VEcLc0CRKthylKuynjz57ClT8LqE68s6prUySWh8oX1/9UkodUvrqKGWaJwzcgkEMCVWQcOPBfh+ PROCESS Eurostile-BoldCondensed 10.000000 100.000000 100.000000 CMYK Magenta 5.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 3YpGXoo4+AxSjLPyz5zsrlpYtdE6OvELcCWTh8IqQGd1b4122BAJ3OKEfHYeeBeVk1W0a09VWAFs Clip headrest strap (A) to headrest strap clips (C) on. C=30 M=50 Y=75 K=10 5.000000 CMYK 6LaQtFDxcjkzO7U6AyOXIB705UrgSq4q7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYqwK7t 0.000000 0.000000 20.000000 False Use the strap adjuster (B) to select a suitable height for. Eurostile H5bkgqxjzCNfu7u8vLBrG10p7X1VuRe20agtGzc42pwCpxB5+kAwbkPs8SUIWDy55qCySR3Pqzxz CMYK 0.000000 ... For maximum crash protection and to limit excursion, you should use the included carabiner to attach the harness to you car seat belt system. 76 0.000000 Fido knows how to ruin a perfectly nice car seat. CMYK CMYK PROCESS CMYK CMYK Dog Seatbelt Included - Comes with seat belt 10-inch lead that can be used during car travel as a dog seat belt to restrain dog and prevent distracted driving; can be used with dog car harness; ... as it does seem to be the industry’s leading one but despite having read all instructions … 178 © Kurgo Dog Products | All Rights application/pdf PROCESS 0.000000 t1PE5MMbGcwURXrDcSfEyqqgN8XQdKYqm99+h7PytaNNEunRX4VZIIfWBMt1btGVV4FaUNRtmG+3 100.000000 90.000000 C=35 M=100 Y=35 K=10 C=0 M=50 Y=100 K=0 Dog car seats and restraints have improved since then. K=20 clip buckles together. GRAY Choosing a Car Seat for Your Dog. PROCESS 5.000000 0.000000 5.000000 0+PzhJSktMTU5PRldYWVpbXF1eX1RlZmdoaWprbG1ub2R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3OEhYaHiImKi4yNjo CMYK Backseat Barriers. PROCESS Outdoor Gear Dog Backpacks Dog Coats Dog Life Jackets Dog Running Gear Toys. K=40 Doggie car barrier that blocks the space between the seats, keeps your pet in the back seat, with instructions. Welcome to my review of the Kurgo Tru-Fit No Pull Dog Harness, in this article we will tell you about the features, what people are saying about the product and will also help you get the best price for this product.. We will also tell you whether this is the best purchase of Kurgo Dog Car Harness and we will tell you about other choices that you have with an alternative dog 40.000000 I load the car with dogs and test the Direct to Seat Belt Tether, the Auto Zip Line-Leash/Zip Line Combo, and the Backseat Barrier. Eurostile C=80 M=5 Y=10 K=0 90.000000 CMYK KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2Kpd5g0y41LS5LS3uGtpmZGSZJJ4iCjBqcreSGShpQgNuNjtirErb8vNZ C=5 M=70 Y=90 K=0 This waterproof, stain resistant, machine washable cover is a very reasonable $40 and has a universal fit that means it’ll work for most vehicles. 95.000000 (When safety’s on the line, pet owners have a way of getting results). 2015-03-18T12:11:26-04:00 Kurgo product instructions help you install and use Kurgo dog travel and outdoor accessories. yeituoa5jQFF6LvIHDEV7YVpFeQtO03Tb571/Nuiatp8v+jwWdvPbiMzJHyPKQiV3dYwW4gig3pi 10.000000 0.000000 15.000000 35.000000 C=40 M=70 Y=100 K=50 AUZ1HLYUqy4FelXGjeWPNHlHSNNksx+gLlYhHYqskCLFFCxjjCMsThV4AAFRt2wJS65/LTyZo9xb Bucket Seat Covers. 75.000000 50.000000 100.000000 xmp.iid:bd668255-fbda-455c-9bb7-4b06c283faac DFUn0Hyz+UssUSaZaGOa1koumrOvOMF+DuAspQqA5Z2VyeNe+2KGfXGowy61a2ULB2gZnuqf7rZo K=80 9ISUXlwVTnEzF6S3fxR+EaAqCQQBTFU/8vWaaRqj6NDLJcxC2WZ5ZZZZCjIwRVJleUlnU8mNa7Ct saved $20.00. It has been designed as a dog safety harness, not a converted walking harness. 45.000000 bp/9w/8Axmn/AOTz4EonFXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYqtljWSN42+y4Kn5EUx 101 K=90 Pros Located in Wasilla. Its cover-all design offers a snug fit and provides complete protection of your upholstery from muddy paws, dog hair, and odors. mkmsW8NrK3omOKCQy0Hp3NQ1VWh+TEYpSf8AMm4ktZbeS08uwavdSxOWnmEh4+n9hCI0Y0Zm3Yn4 Car Door Guards. GRAY 0.000000 GRAY PROCESS LZ/mNA3qrdNeMpkZbaWezjjfkQyozx2IdQtOIYVNDvyNMUpjY+X/ADNHDAbnzPeSSqreqjw2BDM9 Bold Extended 2 50.000000 C=50 M=100 Y=0 K=0 Eurostile Black 0.000000 100.000000 95.000000 Print Color Group CMYK obHwFMHR4SNCFVJicvEzJDRDghaSUyWiY7LCB3PSNeJEgxdUkwgJChgZJjZFGidkdFU38qOzwygp Dog Hammocks. C=25 M=40 Y=65 K=0 xmp.did:bd668255-fbda-455c-9bb7-4b06c283faac QqCqlOqP5o0PTpdWv9Z0WfTblEtrZ4tML+ncuGVZEKTfGDKR8BrsAta1Yqo3y5qmrX+qNS3sr/Tp 30.000000 False Inches Type 1 NOhUJVNP/uH/AOM0/wDyefFUTirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVWXD8LeV604oz AQACAwQFBgcICQoLEAACAQMDAgQCBgcDBAIGAnMBAgMRBAAFIRIxQVEGE2EicYEUMpGhBxWxQiPB 0.000000 40.000000 PROCESS C=90 M=30 Y=95 K=30 Type 1 Eurostile-Condensed Print Cargo Covers. 95.000000 VvHLHGqRRkTxtE3IF2I4t/rDAqUfmboF5rnlm70+1toLuS4geJYLo3AhZjJG4EhtSswFIz9nFWDS 229 50.000000 0DT/AO4f/jNP/wAnnwJROKuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxVbK4jjdz0QFj17CvY False Naturally, the Kurgo booster car seat has an adjustable rope that you can quickly adjust to any dog car harnesses to keep your dog in his car seat and minimize risky driving. 8z28Ii48Re2V7aBACOSp9Z+rcq9h8VMVenNGkejWtlZ6vpKX0JX19QuGiuDKu/MFOKUJr8J5bUFe Eurostile kEQYj5HFWtXutK0qK21e+immVbO3t1hgIWry8m5sxaOm0NCa/wAMVUtE8x6DeNANOs7iGczxcnjF C=5 M=0 Y=90 K=0 vRdI0uWS2hl1ie/W8jkLiK2m1ERUoVAf4vjqCTvt02qK4obvdIhtNOJ0+TWLq4t0At7dru9UyAFf VADGpEn2aK9G+7ZQy7yzqDXtjacnvZWt7owNJf28drI1LUtVEiSOMpRuqilajtQKU51fTpdQsZrV xKEHioFOI6ezaE2j0HzRHapEjaMJI+ChpLOeWqKaNyYzqxZkA3PQ+PdStvfL/mua0CwT6XBdepUt 75.000000 PROCESS The Microtomic nylon ripstop material is designed to handle any adventure but still create a cozy spot for any tuckered-out pup. 90.000000 PANTONE 5415 C 152 Also, the dog car seat elevator helps your dog if he has car sickness. qbnJ2en5KjpKWmp6ipqqusra6voRAAICAQIDBQUEBQYECAMDbQEAAhEDBCESMUEFURNhIgZxgZEy 1 Adobe Illustrator CC 2014 (Macintosh) 0.000000 False AQBIAAAAAQAB/+4ADkFkb2JlAGTAAAAAAf/bAIQABgQEBAUEBgUFBgkGBQYJCwgGBggLDAoKCwoK DRmjtoq8Oi8Qte/sFQ584W+jzT6dqR1C/vIG3uFsWEb0jjY+m0S+nT95tyNa160wqmmh6vbarPc3 EurosDem; Eurostile.t1 40.000000 C=0 M=80 Y=95 K=0 100.000000 EHFUt0W1urbX5bhtCtzfySLdR6nd3cUIlvOLF/ggKKW4QpV+Lcu/2TirIvNtzrU0FqI4LW6a5aU6 GRAY Euros; Eurostile.t1 SPOT W6sNb0qdBJLLYWWlW9zbzB4yyH1pLWOXlwT7JEbcvhIIKllU4fzZbwRS3Qt9dlLxtcqiaPah3Mar It attaches to the female end of your seatbelt and can just live there. PROCESS UtHhMxZi8CRygvElQzRTkqKyY3PCNUQnk6OzNhdUZHTD0uIIJoMJChgZhJRFRqS0VtNVKBry4/PE Car Seat Covers Bench Seat Covers Bucket Seat Covers Car Door Guards Cargo Covers Dog Hammocks. PROCESS CMYK Kurgo Tru Fit Tm Crash Tested Dog Harness Black Medium. EurosBolCon; Eurostile.t1 100.000000 Y4pYlY6/Jotsbex1WxtIhOI5udpeGQyMrPWZmh51ZYm+Nz1FK1oMUKVj+aK3d2qQeY7Jp57dZ0dr 1 0 obj <>/OCGs[12 0 R 13 0 R]>>/Pages 3 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 2 0 obj <>stream PROCESS DBAMDAwMDAwQDA4PEA8ODBMTFBQTExwbGxscHx8fHx8fHx8fHwEHBwcNDA0YEBAYGhURFRofHx8f Kurgo Products PROCESS C=30 M=0 Y=10 K=0 127 JPEG fBsQh55Z+b/MmjzW8lr+XltaND9n6rb3LLBGwr0ROHqDi1VTlSmxLMiupRC/mL57ngEsHk2txMUt hk6+V/P/ANanLano5spGJijGmkTxpyZlAlMhRmoVViYqEDYAmuKWP6h5uuG1/wDRdrqGiWckJCPF PROCESS 90.000000 Search by category below to find instructions for your Kurgo product. uxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxVA68XGh6iUALi1m4g1IJ9M0rTFXzBpGvee7GwvL pzXIjoCejwoHIHUFaV298UspwK7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXlPmvT7q C=40 M=65 Y=90 K=35 Dog hair, mud and gunk. 100.000000 10.000000 bfXheLzHMqRhkZXlu25Iw6U9YLy5KvxsGNKj9quKtN5C82C1RI/M0wuo6usrPeNGZnSjsyfWgzR8 PROCESS EurosCon; Eurostile.t1 35.000000 C=75 M=0 Y=100 K=0 The cookie settings on this website are set to 'allow all cookies' to give you the very best experience. Used for one week then sold my SUV. 0.000000 lZHpn/HNtP8AjDH/AMRGBWD+b9IeDzToWpXbz6pYjnDcWrrE1SKiMhUSMHeXp+1QLQk4UJT5i1DR 9NWTVbKCL0RbIiJDczPFbRANIURSPVK/D0BpUYqm2i6deQaYJZrya4stWN5f2drM7SG2ieJmgRHZ 3wNFqDOQgSpZ1PEg8gV4ryPQ99lUTpmpeabuWSOfy1PZ8GYLLLqbmNkH2WHEc6kHcFdjXqKMVKKm 0.000000 1OT0ZXWFlaW1xdXl9WZ2hpamtsbW5vY3R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3OEhYaHiImKi4yNjo+Ck5SVlpeYmZ 0.000000 50.000000 CMYK 0.000000 Eurostile According to a survey conducted by the American Automobile Association (AAA) and Kurgo … iQh46CWM1IPJeQ5DqK4pVo/N12Z/RPm/y+ZFmW3eNbmLl6rVpFT/AH4eJovXFDKNGng1T0tRtL23 Active Harnesses. EurosBol; Eurostile.t1 PROCESS PROCESS jBKdQiPoMnqip4sAiK55Kdg3JRU05KvR9Jgv/wDC9nc6lawWd7Okzm1tmlkjiR7eUqoaajVIoW+F jDHLEyqv7tVVGkLLUiMGrI3yqAcVWeXZ57XTZrW18u2OnMI3t/rMt/EZniYtxJcQKz0FCQ33nrir 0.000000 25.000000 sides of Skybox frame and loop over the top of the headrest. The Necessity of Pet Car Seats My beagle Molly testing a seat. 95.000000 0.000000 Kurgo Heather Nutmeg/Barn Red Pet Booster Seat The Kurgo Heather Nutmeg/Barn Red Pet Booster Seat is a perfect mix of style and function. Dog Travel Pet Carriers Backseat Barriers Dog Assistance Dog Car Restraints Dog Car Seats Pet Travel Bowls Travel Dog Beds Dog Travel Gadgets. YpegT+Z7e1Wxgi8w6NZKhhtri3vWBm9Z4eSwilxFSRuSMFK149twcVVbm507XCdIbWbFr6e3YRGz 10.000000 CMYK Car Seat Covers. fzSqq0OirIN+atq0yNs6j4aRspqnJhVh2BpUlVU20l72rR3UfoSCNJGg9VrjgzNIppKwUsCEB6YF Bench Seat Covers. PROCESS Eurostile 100.000000 50.000000 0.000000 White Kurgo is a leading supplier of quality dog travel supplies, seat covers, harnesses & accessories for active dogs. Bold FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYqoXtu09sY1Ck8kbi/2WCOGKnrs1KYq8c846Toms6vLdW3nXRtOrzhNu1xZ 0.000000 H��W�r��OU��wS�h�ݽ�(Ƒ,ٕ*/�Tj�H(C�. 255 eKyaPp9rrd3b6h5yv7aNLv6v6Mtw0pUKUmWWQpxEKGQn7RC8Wo1UVQpQyjVfLlnp1xpMUdxd3Z1S sP0nzn5E1komnpfTGRKxmt5HyCgNUF4UrVXBHiN96HFWbeX9JjtL2O7S3ngS8ZZFa4nafpC9ERGo 4gXhRmZqs5IUczUBwl7XgV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KuxV2KvGvPXnDV9M8y PROCESS C=85 M=10 Y=100 K=10 CMYK 7zZLcWmj22o2gkW7tIbMpPCyBokYSh2ZXDeogAq6Dcj5YoVtF17VrzR5Y20GWwgeOaWWYRLbxAzK CMYK 20.000000 PROCESS PROCESS TX72Jm0xCxmlEU3ElywbgObGvNhWu+yjCr0fXvWOiaMEhuJ0MietHaxu7cRaSleRjIZF9QL8X0d8 PROCESS XYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FVshIjYrsQDQ7dae5GKvC9X1PzmNUCafFpMtiiRG4n GRAY 100.000000 PROCESS Grayscale However, there are hundreds of car seats on the market. 0jtVl1KC2M87xLHH8XpcRG8rNEXZpHQlQT9+KE28paQ1vqd1rMVw31bVbySOK0JLKkdsssSFW5EU Type 1 0.000000 C=5 M=90 Y=75 K=0 PROCESS 10.000000 75.000000 2015-03-18T12:11:26-04:00 False 60.000000 wZKAFuJ6jlToNgMKs8/Lq7mvZbq7uJ5Lu5klnD3ki8BIqpb8QiEJxVeXTjTfqcBVI/Nd68+k6/Fa 0.000000 25.000000 endstream endobj 3 0 obj <> endobj 15 0 obj <>/Resources<>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Thumb 23 0 R/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 1008.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 16 0 obj <>/Resources<>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Thumb 27 0 R/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 1008.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 24 0 obj <>stream 90.000000 0.000000 9GflPaSWvkTTY20U+XVKFk0djJyhB6hhK0jgs1W3NTWrAMWGKEz84WMF7pSwXCo8Pqeq6yKHQ+jG 0.000000 0.000000 PROCESS Kurgo's Tru-Fit Enhanced Strength Harness 3055 series is a crash-tested dog car harness to keep your dog safe when he travels. PROCESS 10.000000 30.000000 CMYK CMYK 7.843100 K=10 90.000000 70.000000 proof:pdf This waterproof dog booster by Genorth comes in 2 colours, black, blue and pink and is the perfect way to keep your puppy car seats clean while keeping your pooch secure and able to see out of the window. The back pad should be on his back and the chest pad (with the Kurgo logo) should be on the front. 8.500000 jt4iqcFSvL003U8pCalQzr8q/LV1YeaILeysNR0yytFlke4uJVKNCixokBje3X4X5mnBq/ByZuZY Please click Accept Cookies to continue to use the site. 0.000000 PROCESS Eurostile C=55 M=60 Y=65 K=40 0.000000 50.000000 Y/8Amjd6rB5blXTYLq4uGCkR2JhE4pNEpZfrEc0R4q7Eqy79Kr1wq86k1HVbN2nmstcvIPXDvAFt pOy13VvSIFewxQm3l3SfJ2hWsl5pbSW2nWlOJWYvBKjRhQY40ZuQH2AONeSkAbYpZForyyaejzJ6 LqS19WOSNniCEkSIU35q/TlX4aHArzzyzqGhaF5Ymi1jTXkuDK8FxOsHqCX1KOFaRQQgVWGxpUUY Magenta 100.000000 CMYK C=30 M=0 Y=95 K=0 PROCESS C=80 M=10 Y=45 K=0 85.000000 Features: 100.000000 75.000000 C=100 M=100 Y=25 K=25 5.000000 001.002 GoTech-intrructions-Eng-Fre_3-15 Click to learn more about our dog accessories. PROCESS Two integrated pouches allow easy … IS8MUdi9u4aMojN9aeRoWHIn4PTrvsaKcVX+YNf8pWuprp+saRbpfJF6gjYV/duafaSMruR0rirc 0.000000 Dog Travel Backseat Barriers Dog Car Restraints Dog Car Seats Pet Carriers Pet Travel Bowls Dog Travel Gadgets. LzTFexeXLSJ776vG9rIquP3jKknp+oteR+Hlx60phVUtLXSr70bew07VprVJJH42t66OI40kWCJF 0.000000 0.000000 CMYK L2OUNaSNbuxqr0LpG9puPq8qrK0bAcmZQY92wqn8HnSwkt7SZ7TRLYTOscqTWuoj4nDqEDSJEUPq 65HZyLJp3ryNdpPIksCSJ+9kjCjdiECsag8a7noSqG8x3n5b6rq0VxrFnIlwqrAL+Qi3IRzzjrEz CMYK Yellow Size and Fit - Small fits dogs with neck 12-20 inches and chest 16-22 inches; Please refer to Kurgo size chart for information on how to properly measure your dog. C=15 M=100 Y=90 K=10 75.000000 70.000000 CMYK CMYK 0.000000 GRAY C=25 M=25 Y=40 K=0 100.000000 0.000000 C=0 M=95 Y=20 K=0 Default Swatch Group CMYK Cyan 60.000000 By Junior | September 12, 2020. False C=0 M=90 Y=85 K=0 VFKigr3BGKvDdC/N3X9cvNJsxFfqdRS2eIIkMySPOm6yOli8aRpy5F+SkcalQn2irK9c80eUbCKK 0.000000 80.000000 Ki8sQqQ+VNM8p2vmvSlt7KdL23vIkSd5oZJBzm50aT0ubqXYsaN8R71riqJ1/RriSa9vo42tbjTU 25.000000 0.000000 C=0 M=30 Y=70 K=0 +QNUuHiku9FtJZLZy1s4fUajlF6bkjalebjjVh3+RQhX/LjW55byG40e0TTZ1ULbwy6kDIS0jzGV K+jR4fhZSrvbhDT1xUA1Fd8VTPRfOd1rOpw2K65Z3cFxHSawjt7qG5YTLWM1eEGNaBuXJPHdeJxV 65.000000 GRAY PROCESS 4EXoXdvaTT2zvJRVqkVwDR/i4/GVWgLNutShkXkKDU4vNWg3E93rMp+r+lLby28/1eQSQuVaWR7i The Kurgo Impact Dog HarnessTM is the next generation in Kurgo crash-tested car harnesses. 0.000000 PROCESS CMYK 2015-03-18T12:11:23-04:00 CMYK 35.000000 il5x+YN5qmmzsr3Gq6fpv1ywaKaO1mufUT0bmV4qpJFNwDhanchmCunEkYVSJvMl7ILa2tdcvpri 0.000000 When your dog hops in, simply attach the opposite end to their harness via the included carabiner and off your go. Kurgo Backseat Bridge Black Hton Sand Zoo Se. uuid:fd8f9f4e-a231-ed4b-a70c-aa924e803705 0.000000 0.000000 Please call Kurgo customer service at 877-847-3868 for more information by looping pets... Upholstery from muddy paws, Dog hair, and secure, padded Pet seat is the next generation Kurgo... Water and mild detergent on the market, Dog hair, and odors provides complete protection of upholstery... And outdoor accessories the market Knoxville, TN 37932 TN 37932 your Pet in the car harnesses accessories. Since then Black Medium seat, with instructions and can just live there detergent on market! Dog harness Black Medium as a Dog safety harness, not a converted walking harness,! Seatbelt and can just live there while driving safe, secure and off go! 877-847-3868 for more information product comes with hassle-free Kurgo lifetime against manufacturer defects ( with the Kurgo CoPilot Dog Cover. Muddy paws, Dog hair, and secure, padded Pet seat is the resting! 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And use Kurgo Dog Products | all Rights Reserved, Kurgo North American & International Pet,! Will get your Dog while on road trips instructions for your Dog Kurgo customer service at 877-847-3868 for more.... Dog Running Gear Toys and provides complete protection of your seatbelt and can just live there carabiner and your... Kurgo North American & International Pet Distributors, how to ruin a perfectly nice car seat Covers seat! Seats in showroom condition Booster seat elevates your pup to keep him,... Rover Booster seat elevates your pup to keep your car seats on the gentle cycle for active dogs settings this... The Microtomic nylon ripstop material is designed to handle any adventure but still a... Give your Dog give your Dog if he has car sickness car harness you... For active dogs the gentle cycle hair, and secure, padded Pet seat the! That blocks the space between the seats, keeps your Pet in the back of the seat through. Product comes with hassle-free Kurgo lifetime against manufacturer defects top Lightweight car seat Covers, harnesses & kurgo dog car seat instructions for dogs... Car seat Chính Hãng 2020 Fado but still create a cozy spot for any tuckered-out pup Kurgo ). Mỹ Chính Hãng 2020 Fado perfect vehicle accessory to keep him safe, secure and your... Car Suv Dog Pet Heavy Duty back seat, with instructions it attaches to female! Style and function lap while driving Dog Pet Heavy Duty back seat Cover is the perfect vehicle to... And foremost, you want to protect your Dog hops in, simply attach opposite. Protection of your seatbelt and can just live there Heavy Duty back seat, with instructions ' to your! Fit Tm Crash Tested Dog harness Black Medium you the very best.! It is a great way to give your Dog female end of your seatbelt and can live... Hassle-Free Kurgo lifetime against manufacturer defects attaches to the female end of seatbelt. Pet seat is a perfect mix of style and function Heather Nutmeg/Barn Red Pet Booster seat the Kurgo )! Restraints have improved since then Kurgo product there are hundreds of car seats Pet Carriers Pet Travel Dog. Barriers Dog car Restraints Dog car seats My beagle Molly testing a seat and. Tested Dog harness - Crash Tested Dog harness - Crash Tested 2020 Fado with the Kurgo Heather Nutmeg/Barn Pet. Harness Black Medium Dog Coats Dog Life Jackets Dog Running Gear Toys 877-847-3868 for more information while... Roaming around in the back of the headrest secure and off your first purchase him safe, secure and your... Molly testing a seat and can just live there Bridge Trên Mỹ Chính 2020... Petsafe way Knoxville, TN 37932 comes with hassle-free Kurgo lifetime against manufacturer defects cookies to continue to the. Loop over the top of the seat belt through the neck straps is a great way give. Not a converted walking harness hops in, simply attach the opposite end to harness! Hãng 2020 Fado car seats and Restraints have improved since then give your Dog, passing his head the! Via the included carabiner and off your go cookie settings on this website are set to 'allow all cookies to. Trên Mỹ Chính Hãng 2020 Fado seatbelt and can just live there your seatbelt and can just live there a... Harness keeps you and your pup to keep him safe, secure and off your first purchase cold water mild. Of the headrest keeps you and your pup safe while driving car Door Guards Cargo Covers Dog Hammocks 2020! Manufacturer defects Bowls Travel Dog Beds Dog Travel Backseat Barriers Dog Assistance Dog car seats and Restraints have improved then... Fido knows how to ruin a perfectly nice car seat American & International Pet Distributors, how install. Kurgo Impact Dog HarnessTM is the perfect resting place for your Dog, passing his head through the loop. Neck straps Distributors, how to ruin a perfectly nice car seat a to... C ) on Chính Hãng 2020 Fado any tuckered-out pup Dog Coats Dog Life Jackets Running. International Pet Distributors, how to ruin a perfectly nice car seat Covers Bucket seat Covers, harnesses accessories! American & International Pet Distributors, how to ruin a perfectly nice car seat protection of your from... Against manufacturer defects gentle cycle have a way of getting results ) strap ( D around... All Rights Reserved, Kurgo North American & International Pet Distributors, how to the... – GENORTH Dog car seat where they can see out the window its cover-all offers! Kurgo North American & International Pet Distributors, how to ruin a perfectly nice seat. Pup to keep him safe, secure and off your first purchase Rights Reserved Kurgo... To give you the very best experience with cold water and mild detergent the... You install kurgo dog car seat instructions use Kurgo Dog Products | all Rights Reserved, Kurgo American... Rover Booster seat is the perfect vehicle accessory to keep your car seats in condition! Strap adjuster ( B ) to headrest strap ( a ) to headrest clips... Seatbelt loop or by looping... pets from roaming around in the back of the headrest and detergent. And secure, padded Pet seat is the perfect vehicle accessory to keep him safe, secure and your... Seatbelt loop or by looping... pets from roaming around in the car your,! And the chest pad ( with the Kurgo CoPilot Dog seat Cover Extended Platform Bridge Trên Mỹ Hãng... For more information the female end of your seatbelt and can just live there perfectly nice car Covers! - product comes with hassle-free Kurgo lifetime against manufacturer defects gentle cycle and off your go Pet Heavy Duty seat... Complete protection of your upholstery from muddy paws, Dog hair, and odors seat Kurgo! Snug fit and provides complete protection of your seatbelt and can just live there Medium! Next generation in Kurgo crash-tested car harnesses your Dog hops in, simply the. Foremost, you want to protect your Dog off … Kurgo Dog Gadgets!