ET) in Baja California in Mexico, about 19 miles southeast of Mexicali, according to the U.S. … Figure 11 - Map of preliminary uniform-slip Coulomb model showing Coulomb stress change (Ross Stein, USGS, and Shinji Toda, Kyoto University) . The group estimated that the total slip vector length was 2.5 m +- 0.75 m of oblique slip with dominantly east-down motion and also a significant component of right-lateral motion. Event response coordinator is Chris Walls, Aftershocks appear to extend in both directions along this fault system from the epicenter of the main event, with the largest aftershock measuring M 5.7. The April 4, 2010, M 7.2 Baja California Sierra El Mayor earthquake occurred as the result of shallow strike-slip faulting in northern Baja California, approximately 65 km south of the Mexico-USA border along the principal plate boundary between the North America and Pacific plates. USGS: has a good general web page on the earthquake including location details, a shakemap, a maps aftershocks, and tectonics. ... 2010 / 1:52 AM This is an area with a high level of historical seismicity, though this is the largest event to strike in this area since 1892. The area is somewhat unique in terms of strain partitioning and in the fact that the fault system is quite young. Data are available via anonymous FTP from and in SEED format from the NCEDC and IRIS DMC. Late Quaternary activity of the Laguna Salada fault in northern Baja California, Mexico: Geological Soc. 1 Hz data is available from the California Real Time Network (CRTN) which includes many PBO stations and real-time SCIGN stations via FTP: Figure 6 - Plot of 1 Hz real-time GPS total displacement waveforms versus broadband seismic velocities at co-located GPS (PIN1 and P494) and broadband seismic stations (PFO and WES) by Yehuda Bock at UCSD and Sharon Kedar at JPL. Long baseline strainmeter plots: these instruments are called ‘‘longbase’’ sensors because they produce high-quality data by measuring strain over distances of hundreds of meters at the surface of the Earth. It was Easter Sunday, April 4, when the magnitude 7.2 earthquake struck south of U.S. border with Mexico and was felt in Southern California, impacting Calexico, El Centro and parts of San Diego County. Aftershocks as high as magnitude 5.0 have continued to rattle the region today. See below for more photos. Range-front fault scarps of the Sierra El Mayor, Baja California: Formed above an active low-angle normal fault?, Geology, 27, 247-250. Wei, M., D. Sandwell, and B. Smith-Kontner. GPS Data: UNAVCO has downloaded and archived 5 Hz data from all Plate Boundary Observatory GPS stations with 97% data completeness within 200 km of the northern end of the April 4, 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake rupture. According to the USGS website the magnitude is a M7.2 and was 10+ km in depth. An event of M 7.0 or 7.1 occurred in this region in 1915, and a M 7.0 to 7.2 in 1934 broke the Cerro Prieto fault to the east with up to several meters of surface slip. The 2010 Baja California earthquake (also known as 2010 Easter earthquake, 2010 Sierra El Mayor earthquake, or 2010 El Mayor – Cucapah earthquake) occurred on April 4 (Easter Sunday) with a moment magnitude of 7.2 and a maximum Mercalli intensity of IX (Violent). An earthquake of magnitude Mw 7.2 occurred on 04/04/2010 in Baja California, Mexico at 22:40 UTC (15:40 local time) about 33 km South-West of San Luis Rio Colorado. Vanuatu (27 mei) - The plate boundary in northern Baja California represents transition zone from the ridge-transform boundary in the Gulf of California to the continental transform boundary in the Salton Trough. The data were processed by Matt Wei and David Sandwell at IGPP/SCRIPPS using GMSTAR. At least two people were killed, several hundred were injured and thousands were without power as a result of the quake. 20 km 2 (=8 sqare miles) as a first-order estimate. De tekst is beschikbaar onder de licentie. A large earthquake (preliminary magnitude 6.9, depth 20 miles) has shaken the delta region of the Colorado River in Baja California.It was felt over a wide region of Southern California and western Arizona. By the distribution of aftershocks and using radar interferometry, the main shock rupture was found to have occurred on a previously unmapped fault in the Cucapa Mountains and beneath the Colorado River Delta. Earthquake 7.2 Baja California April 4, 2010 « HighBoldtageThis event has been reviewed by a seismologist. 1991. The 2010 Baja California earthquake (also known as 2010 Easter earthquake, 2010 Sierra El Mayor earthquake, or 2010 El Mayor – Cucapah earthquake) occurred on April 4 (Easter Sunday) with a moment magnitude of 7.2 and a maximum Mercalli intensity of VII (Very strong).wikipedia According to the US Geological Survey a … LOS ANGELES — A powerful earthquake southeast of Tijuana shook Southern California on Sunday afternoon, damaging buildings in northern Mexico and border cities in … The time period covered is from April 2 - 6. Distance from the event increases as you move upward. These solutions include all PBO and USGS final processing. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. The earthquake struck at 3.40pm (10.40pm GMT) about 38 miles south-east of Mexicali, according to the US Geological Survey, with a shallow depth of six miles. These examples demonstrate the power of real-time high-rate data from a regional CGPS network during a medium to large earthquake: they measure displacements directly, they do not clip and they are also able to detect the permanent (coseismic) deformation. Figure 10 - Map showing fault slip rates with an overlay of the main shock and 12 hours of aftershocks, with yellow lines (<0.2), pumpkin (0.2-1), orange (1.5) and red (>5 mm/yr) lines (Ramon Arrowsmith at Arizona State University). A shallow (11.3 km depth) earthquake of magnitude 5.2 struck in a sparsely populated area of northern Baja California, at 169 km distance SE of Tijuana city. Near the epicenter within 10-20 km, ground shaking could have been dangerous with moderate to strong intensities. and Rockwell, T.R. [View full scale image], Figure 8 - Plot of the 1-sps pore pressure data recorded in Pinyon Flat and Parkfield PBO boreholes. The plate boundary in northern Baja California represents transition zone from the ridge-transform boundary in the Gulf of California to the continental … This is an area with a high level of historical seismicity, though this is the largest event to strike in this area since 1892. The 2010 Baja California Earthquake was an earthquake of 7.2 magnitude on the Moment magnitude scale that started 16 miles (26 km) south of Guadalupe Victoria, Mexico, at a depth of 20 miles (32 km). The 2010 Baja California earthquake (also known as 2010 Easter earthquake, 2010 Sierra El Mayor earthquake, or 2010 El Mayor – Cucapah earthquake) occurred on April 4 (Easter Sunday) with a moment magnitude of 7.2 and a maximum Mercalli intensity of VII (Very strong). Figure 6 - A plot of 1 Hz real-time GPS observations versus broadband seismic GPS observations at co-located seismometers by Yehuda Bock at UCSD and Sharon Kedar at JPL. Seismograms at the bottom of the figure were recorded nearest to the event. 1999. The 2010 Baja California earthquake (also known as 2010 Easter earthquake, 2010 Sierra El Mayor earthquake, or 2010 El Mayor – Cucapah earthquake) occurred on April 4 (Easter Sunday) with a moment magnitude of 7.2 and a maximum Mercalli intensity of IX (Violent).The shock originated at 15:40:41 local time (3:40:41 PM PDT) south of Guadalupe Victoria, Baja California, Mexico. [View full scale image], Figure 13 - Photo of ruptures along fault, by John Fletcher at CICESE, Mexico. The magnitude 7.2 northern Baja California earthquake of Sunday April 4th 2010, occurred approximately 40 miles south of the Mexico-USA border at shallow depth along the … The earthquake center is marked with a red star. One local resident told ABC News he was … SCSN: the Southern California portion of the California Integrated Seismic Network (CISN) has a tremendous amount of nicely organized and detailed inrformation on this earthquake including updates on and maps of aftershocks, photos, and a map showing feedback from ~75,000 people on "Did you feel it?". This topographic map of the area shows major faults (red lines), as well as the epicenter of the 7.2-magnitude quake (darkest circle) and all 4.0-or-larger aftershocks that occurred through 19:25 UTC on April 5 (12:25 p.m. U.S. Pacific Time). Versión en Español. The 2010 Baja California earthquake occurred on April 4 with a moment magnitude of 7.2 and a maximum Mercalli intensity of IX. UAVSAR measurements north of the 2010 Baja earthquake. SCEC: the Southern California Earthquake Center forum has up-to-the-minute postings from on field observations, incoming data, models, and more. Note that the Cerro Prieto fault passes directly beneath the Cerro Prieto geothermal power plant which is the largest in the world with 720 megawatts. More information on the main shock is available here. The '92 quake, which struck in Landers, California, triggered an earthquake the next day in Nevada and another quake 11 days later in Southern California, according to … New York, April 5, 2010—The 7.2 magnitude earthquake that struck Baja California, Mexico, rattling parts of California and Arizona, is a stark reminder of the vulnerability of the United States to this type of disaster. [View full scale image], Figure 14 - Photo of ruptures along fault, by John Fletcher at CICESE, Mexico. The magnitude-7.2 earthquake struck near the border town of Mexicali at 3:40 p.m. Pacific Time on Sunday. The epicenter was approximately 47 km Wei, M., D. T. Sandwell, Y. Fialko, and R. Bilham. Co-, post-, and inter-seismic deformation measurements in this area will provide unique opportunities for improved understanding of the earthquake cycle, lithospheric rheology, and the mechanisms of large, destructive earthquakes along the San Andreas plate boundary system. The rupture then bent abruptly southward onto the Canon Rojo normal fault, where slip was almost perfectly dip slip (Mueller & Rockwell, 1991, 1995). There is a sharp line of deformation along the Cerro Prieto fault that could represent either triggered slip or localized subsidence. (John Fletcher and Javier Gonzalez-Garciaat CICESE, Tom Rockwell at SDSU, Ken Hudnut at the USGS, and Anthony Guarino at Caltech Seismological Lab). Interpretation of interferograms over the northern end of the rupture reveals a combination of right-lateral strike slip motion and east side down normal faulting in agreement with field observations of the fault scarp. The earthquake has been named the El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake. The M7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake of April 4, 2010 in Mexico’s Baja California caused extensive damage to the agricultural area of Mexicali Valley. Baja California, Mexico has had: (M1.5 or greater) 7 earthquakes in the past 24 hours 38 earthquakes in the past 7 days; 147 earthquakes in the past 30 days A powerful earthquake swayed high-rises in San Diego County and was felt across Southern California and Arizona on Sunday afternoon. [View full scale image.]. [View full scale image]. The Baja earthquake was the largest in a series that have taken place in the region that presages it, beginning with a 4.2 quake on March 31., organized by day-of-year and by site ID. The magnitude 7.2 event occurred 26 km (16 miles) SW of Guadalupe Victoria, Baja California… of America Bull., 107, 818. This UAVSAR image, covering the time period from October 21, 2009 to April 13, 2010, shows ground deformation that is largely a result of the April 4, 2010 earthquake in Baja California. Figure 2 - Interferogram based on ALOS PALSAR acquisitions., Also, the aftershocks have filled in all the way to the Yuha Desert, which is a complex discontinuity in the overall dextral part of the fault system where the Laguna Salada fault connects through to the southern Elsinore. Publications, Proposals, Reports & Papers. (AP Photo/U.S. The April 4 main-shock occurred along a strike-slip segment that coincides with the southeastern part of the Laguna Salada fault, though this has not yet been confirmed by observations. Figure 2 - An Interferogram based on ALOS PALSAR , by Matt Wei and David Sandwell at IGPP/SCRIPPS. The initial interpretation was that the rupture process likely began on Pescadores fault (aligned N40°W from the epicenter), paused, and then a larger rupture along the Borrego fault was then triggered. This zone of liquefaction is bounded on the east by the Cerro Prieto fault and on the west by the Laguna Salada fault. Mexicali, Mexico (CNN) -- The governor of the Mexican state of Baja California said Monday he is asking the federal government for a natural disaster declaration after a … The April 4, 2010, M 7.2 Baja California Sierra El Mayor earthquake occurred as the result of shallow strike-slip faulting in northern Baja California, approximately 65 km south of the Mexico-USA border along the principal plate boundary between the North America and Pacific plates. A magnitude 7.2 earthquake rumbled through most of Southern California and Baja California this afternoon, followed by a series of aftershocks, according to early reports from the … A series of earthquakes rattled Baja California on Monday, Aug. 17, 2020. The 1940 Imperial Valley earthquake, which approached M 7, occurred farther to the north on the Imperial fault. Inset map shows the region on the California-Mexico border. Geophysical Research Letters 38, L01308, doi: 10.1029/2010GL045235. The area is therefore unique in both its long- and short-term strain partitioning. Figure 1 - Photo of ruptures along fault, by John Fletcher at CICESE, Mexico. GPS Explorer: JPL and Scripps maintain a data portal for higher order CGPS products and time series modeling. [View full scale image]. 1999. The plot shows that the real-time GPS did not clip, while broadband seismic stations did for this earthquake, even at Pinon Flat Observatory, at about 180 km from the epicenter. - Mw=7.2 - April 4 epicenter the quake from April 2 - an Interferogram based on ALOS PALSAR acquisitions will! From FTP: // and in SEED format from the NCEDC baja california earthquake 2010 IRIS DMC of liquefaction is bounded on field! Tremors lasted 40 seconds causing extensive damage to buildings in the area baja california earthquake 2010 somewhat unique both! Are Guadalupe Victoria in Mexico ( 16 miles ), and conclusions or recommendations in. 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